Margaret Scott
International Award of Honor, 1999
Margaret Scott joined IPPS in 1974. She was elected to the board in 1978 and became Vice President of the Great Britain and Ireland Region in 1980. During her presidential year in 1981, she also served as the International Alternate and then International Director in 1982. She continues to serve members through her attendance to area meetings, annual Regional conference, and International IPPS Conferences. Margaret has presented several papers and talks at annual conferences over the years in IPPS. She received the GB&I Rose Bowl Award in 1984 for her considerable contribution to the field of propagation.
Margaret holds the position of the Science Coordinator and Nursery Stock Specialist, at the Horticulture Research International (HRI) Efford, Lymington, Hampshire. During the last 30 years, she devoted her whole life to the horticulture industry and undertaken an extensive range of research and development. She is a hardworking, very successful research scientist that is able to transmit information in a highly professional and effective way. Her presentations at conferences, not least of those the IPPS, in the UK and abroad are always packed with information and delivered in a highly lucid and entertaining way. She is always ready to give her time in assisting individuals and the industry as a whole.
Margaret's commitment to the IPPS has always been absolute and the Society has profited enormously from her membership over very many years. Margaret has a strong love for horticulture and plants, is a pioneer who is not afraid of a challenge, and has shown little distinction between her work and personal life due to her total dedication, even supporting and influencing others behind the scenes.