Dr. Yasuaki Takeda
International Award of Honor, 2012
Dr. Yasuaki Takeda was selected to receive the 2012 International Award of Honor from the Board of Directors of the International Plant Production Society. He has been a member of the IPPS Japan Region since 1995 when the Region was established.
Professor Takeda is one of the pioneers in the field of shoot tip culture for the virus elimination of carnation and strawberry. He did basic research work in this field and extended the techniques to the practical propagation of horticultural plants. As Professor at the Department of Agriculture, Nihon University, and the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, he devoted much energy for the education of the young generation. After retirement from the University, he established the private institute, Ohmi Flori-‐Science Institute, to extend horticultural knowledge and practices to the nurseries and amateur horticulturalists.
Since the establishment of the IPPS Japan, Professor Takeda has been a member of the Executive Committee of the region. His role as a historian is very important in maintaining the activities of the region. He was the president of Japan Region for two terms from 1999 to 2001. He organized the 4th annual conference in Kanagawa prefecture and the 16th annual conference in Shiga prefecture. In addition, he was one of the organizing committee members for the International Board Meeting held in Japan in 2004 as well as in 2012. His leadership roles in the Japan Region are very important and useful in promoting activities of IPPS Japan.
Professor Takeda has a wide circle of acquaintance since he has had a rich career as professor at universities, a researcher in the prefectural research institute, and the manager of private nursery companies. He recruited more members through his experience. He was recognized as a talented president, which was critical to the further development of the Region.